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“The staff at the café I worked were amazing! The owner was also the chef and had quite a following in the neighborhood. We had a lot of repeat customers who were loyal to the restaurant. They let me apprentice with the chef and prepare daily specials. I learned a lot about recipes and the preparation that goes into this level of cooking. I also got to work the floor and try my hand at being a barista. It was great fun and some hard work.”


- Luke O., Winter 2017

The Institute for Cultural Ecology works with several top resorts and hotels to provide interns an opportunity to learn the business side of hotel and resort management. The majority of our placements are four or five star locales, enjoy water views and are well-known for their international reputation. They look good on resumes.

We work one on one with interns to narrow down their area of interest and then present that to a hotel or resort that matches your preferred location and personal interests. Past interns have focused either on customer service, finance, or reception/concierge duties. Typically interns have a chance to get exposed to all three aspects of management.

In addition many of the hotels/resorts that we work with offer or facilitate day tours to the coast or areas of cultural interest. Depending on the location, you may have an opportunity to join the day tours and help interpret local places of interests to guests.

Hotel and Restaurant Management

Input Room Availability 

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Event Planning/Setups


Hotel Marketing

Animal Rescue and Care

Accounting and Finance

Hotel and Restaurant

Our restaurant options in Sydney and Auckland are chosen for their size and the opportunities they provide students. We have a specialty café in a upscale neighborhood in Sydney that has been a real favorite. Past housing has allowed students to walk to this option from their houses. The owner takes great pride in his daily creations and his fanbase on Facebook attest that he is a neighborhood celebrity.


Working alongside the chef and local staff provides insight into not only restaurant business, but also the local community. Regulars frequent the café, especially on Sundays where their breakfasts are renowned throughout the city.


We have both students who aspire to go into the restaurant business as well as those who just want to try something different and be on their feet for the internship. It’s a great way to meet local residents and get to know a community that rallies around the place.

Restaurant Work

Pre/Post Surgery Care

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Animal Welfare

Yorkshire Terrier at the Vet

Walking Animals

Dog Walker

Walking Animals

Dog Walker

Is there a better way to learn about the wild and fun parts of your Down Under home than interning for an eco-tour company? Join twelve paying guests and head three hours north to explore the wine country. Or, head east to mountains for an off-road canyon and river exploration. Past Down Under students have done just that.


Working in eco-tourism allows an immersion into a competitive market where history, fun and excitement are the products. Our wine tour operator handles all the bookings himself. Interns assist in all the glamorous and hard scrabble tasks that go into a successful trip.


Some journeys may require you to give a talk on a heritage site. Other trips may see you cut fruits and cheeses and present a snack tray to guests. An important part of your internship is simply interacting with guests. Tourists love to socialize and talk to staff members. You don’t need to be an expert on all things, but you do need to show a willingness to engage people and share stories. Guests like to listen; but also like to be listened to. Lend them an ear and you will help make their experience.


Office duties include speaking to prospective clients on email or phone. Completing a market analysis on ways to attract new clients is always important. Our last intern surveyed competitors’ websites and made suggestions on possible additions to the host.


Taking photos and video in the field is another important aspect of the work. Editing new content and sending it out to prospective guests and posting it on the website helps generate a following. Immersing yourself in all aspects of a small business will give you a glimpse into the independent life of a sole-proprietor. As you return to your studies and plot out a career path you will now know what it takes to succeed on your own in a competitive market.

Wildlife Park

Pre/Post Surgery Care

jessie spay surgery.jpg

Animal Welfare

Yorkshire Terrier at the Vet

Walking Animals

Dog Walker

Walking Animals

Dog Walker

Walking Animals

Dog Walker
Restaurant Work
Wildlife Park
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